Dear Friends, Members and Partners,
Welcome to the EMSP Annual Report 2022, the year that brought us together again in person after 2 long years of global pandemic, heavily impacting the health-care systems, and a year marked by the Russian invasion in Ukraine bringing war back to Europe.
In these challenging times, the European MS community gathered to face those challenges collectively through solidarity and a common vision for people with MS. We are grateful to all our members and partners for their immediate support in emerging activities as well as their continuous involvement in our projects aiming at improving the quality of life of people with MS, following our Strategic Plan 2022-2024.
Our Membership Capacity Building Programme has strengthened the MS community through regional and open workshops focusing on advocacy & fundraising activities. The Membership Communication Network also provided a space to coordinate the response in support for people with MS living in or fleeing Ukraine, with projects launched in Poland, the Czech Republic, and soon to be launched in Ukraine. We extended our attention to help patients living with conditions similar to MS, like NMOSD and MOGAD.
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Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Österreich
Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Österreich

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